Our vision

“A just, socially, economically empowered community for a dignified life”

Our vision

“Uplift the socio-economic and other human conditions in vulnerable communities, facilitating them to realize their potentials.”

Our mission

“To see the community where vulnerable groups are enjoying their basic rights and leading a dignified life.”

Our goal


  1. PARTICIPATORY DEVELOPMENT: We believe all stakeholders need to be involved in the development process;
  2. JUSTICE AND SERVICES TO ALL PEOPLE WITHOUT ANY FORM OF DISCRIMINATION: We are committed to serving all peoples regardless of their political affiliation, religion, sex, age, ethnicity, race, color, or education;
  3. GENDER EQUITY: Both women and men must be involved in development as equal partners and more specifically in equal representation;
  4. TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY: We provide a democratic space that promotes open and systematic management procedures. We are also accountable to all stakeholders;
  5. RESPONSIVE: We believe in adaptability since the world is dynamic and we constantly review our programs and management systems;
  6. SUSTAINABILITY: We believe that the community comprises people who are able to realize their potential and be active movers of their own destiny;
  7. NETWORKING AND PARTNERSHIP: We believe in maintaining and building relationships with all the stakeholders in order to provide comprehensive services;
  8. MOTIVATED AND COMMITTED WORKFORCE: KISEDET’s workforce is its most precious asset and every person is an inseparable part of the organization’s happy family. KISEDET strives to maintain a highly committed and motivated workforce that functions with minimum supervision.