Universal Civil Service Abroad 2021

Gruppo Tanzania Onlus & Kisedet NGO will take part !!

This year we decided to take part in the public announcement, issued by the Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service Abroad, to present intervention projects in this field. We think the civil service is an important tool to introduce young people to our activities and expand our communication: a civil service volunteer brings along new energies, diversified skills and knowledge, and always has an alternative point of view. Having civil service volunteers in our community activities represents an important exchange on both a human and professional level: for us, and for the volunteers.

Spreading knowledge about our association in Italy and Tanzania is the most efficient way to spread a culture of solidarity and mutual knowledge amongst people, contributing to the education of world citizens with a new awareness.

Youth must know that cooperation and volunteering are not a mere handout of resources: they mean working in order to help people in need to recover their dignity, and empower them.

Providing a chance to young Italians to make such an experience is our attempt at creating a wider civil awareness towards peace and non-violence promotion, along with a culture of cooperation.

The Universal Civil Service Abroad is a unique chance for personal and professional growth and empowerment.

The announcement is open to young people between 18 and 29 years old, either Italian or resident in Italy. All they have to do is candidate themselves for the upcoming announcement, where we will bring along our “Tuwajili Watoto” (“help street children”) project.

Updates coming soon: stay tuned!