
Newsletter . Dec 2019

In this issue: Kisedet’s Presidency and Management; the new guesthouse in Chigongwe; Individual or Collective Support; P. and his IV grade Diploma; corporal punishment; responsible tourism. read/download the newsletter

Kizazi Kipya

Purpose of partnership: USAID/PACT & KISEDET Our primary aim is to enable and create positive sustainable change in the lives of children living alone and at risk on the streets and rescue the hard group to access health and HIV/ AIDS services and nutrition as well as supporting vulnerable families with low income. Working with organisations in Dodoma that assist children on the street is …

Street Children

If Dodoma, until a few years ago, seemed “exempt” from this phenomenon, with the development of the city and its promotion to the capital, it has made it a popular destination for many street children. Wrongly from what is often thought, street children (or adolescents) are not orphans, or at least they are not of both parents, but given the …