For some time now, KISEDET has also managed a Drop-in Center aimed for street children and adolescents.The purpose of this project is to welcome them and give them the opportunity to take a shower, wash their clothes, have a safe place to rest, receive a hot meal and bring them back on the track through various fun activities and more.The …
Categoria: Children
OVC: orphans and vulnerable children.
Watoto OVC (Orphans & Vulnerable Children) is a project that supports children who are from poor families, orphans, and disabled to get an education for a better life. KISEDET supports children from primary & secondary education, colleges, VTC (vocational training center), and also University level by paying their school fees, or providing uniforms, and school material.For the children who are living with …
Street children
If Dodoma, until a few years ago, seemed “emancipated” from this phenomenon, with the development of the city and its promotion in the capital, it has become a popular destination for many street children. Contrary to popular belief, street children (or adolescents) are not orphans, or at least they do not come from either parent, however, given the poverty, impossibility, …
You have to be strong, you have to be strong, you have to be strong… I keep chanting this phrase in my head as if it were a mantra, but only my cries (maybe) will help to alleviate this pain and anger. Jimmy, 17 years old, was beaten to death by people or police, who are the same people who …
“Devi essere forte, devi essere forte, devi essere forte…” Continuo a ripetermi questa frase come se fosse un mantra, ma solo il mio pianto liberatorio (forse) servirà a placare un po’ questo dolore e questa rabbia. Jimmy, 18 anni, massacrato di botte fino a strappargli la vita dalla gente o dalla polizia, la stessa dalla quale ci sia aspetta protezione, …